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Is Practice Management Software Right for Your Firm?

December 2, 2016

Lawyers should ask themselves if they need practice management software. If your firm assigns more than one lawyer on a case or generally can use assistance with organization, practice management software is probably a good idea. If you work alone, you probably don’t need practice management software to do your timekeeping, billing, accounting, or keep track of your email, appointments, and deadlines. The use of calendars, documents, spreadsheets, and forms through Microsoft Office or similar programs can probably allow you to manage your data for less money than all-encompassing practice management software.

However, if you do collaborate on projects or if you just like the idea of using a single interface to keep track of everything you need to keep track of, that’s what practice management software is all about. Through the use of programs such as PCLaw, Time Matters, Abacus & Amicus Attorney, you can ensure that everyone working on a project is keeping track of information consistently. In a busy firm where everyone is juggling a lot, practice management software makes organization that much easier, as long as methodologies are established and followed.

Whether you’re unsure about whether to take the plunge and try practice management software or whether you’re sure you want it but just not sure which program is best for your firm, Rekall can help. Give us a call, we’ll help you figure out what path is the best to take.