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Law Firms Who Work with Windows Server 2003 are at Risk

December 1, 2016

On July 14, 2015, Microsoft stopped developing for and supporting Windows Server 2003. If your firm is still relying on this operating system, it’s time to consider the cloud as a real option. Right now your 2003 server is being exposed to break-ins and viruses, putting your firm at risk. A recent government announcement urges companies to upgrade their servers as soon as possible.

What Can You Do?

Your in a unique situation where you can now move to a private cloud with Rekall Cloud. Depending on your firm size, Rekall is now offering free migrations to the cloud for select firms. Imagine your firm docs and applications available with guaranteed 24/7 access from anywhere at anytime and on any device, even iPads.

A cloud server means zero downtime for your firm, maximum security and compliance and secure backup. Everything your firm needs in order to operate efficiently while upholding state of the art security to protect your client data.

Rekall Cloud works for firms of 1 to 600, is perfect for multi-office firms, multi-state firms, and works great for firms with remote users. More firms are looking toward private cloud solutions to take on the burden of law firm IT management.