All Things Cloud

What you need to know about Fog Computing

What you need to know about Fog Computing

First, there was cloud computing – and now fog computing? No sooner has the cloud concept become clear, we have another concept to dive into, and why is it so important from a lawyer’s standpoint? We can start by thinking about the cloud. You could envision “the...

Cloud Backup Server Images Save Law Firms

Cloud Backup Server Images Save Law Firms

This article speaks to law firms who still have servers in the office. I won’t go off on a tangent explaining all the benefits of moving your firm to the cloud, how the cloud offers guarantees that you can’t get in your office, security, backup, endless...

How To Choose the Right Law Firm Cloud Vendor?

How To Choose the Right Law Firm Cloud Vendor?

There are a lot of cloud companies out there selling cloud services and it can be tough for a “non-techy” person to talk to these companies and actually make the right decision. I thought I would write a quick article outlining a few key points to look for...

Common Rekall Cloud Questions Pt. 2

Common Rekall Cloud Questions Pt. 2

Here is a continuation of the most popular questions we receive when speaking to law firms about Rekall’s Private Cloud service. Q. Can I purchase PC hardware through Rekall? Absolutely, we have hardware vendor relationships that will most definitely save your...

13 Reasons Why Law Firms Should Consider The Cloud

13 Reasons Why Law Firms Should Consider The Cloud

1. Migrating to the Cloud is Easy With a fully customized cloud environment, Rekall is able to migrate all your documents, data and applications to the cloud, no matter what business or legal application you use. Each user will receive a Windows cloud desktop complete...

The Legal Ethics Behind Cloud Computing

The Legal Ethics Behind Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is hot these days. Law firms are looking toward the cloud for guaranteed availability and increased productivity, but are they considering all of the ethical issue when dealing with the cloud? From an IT perspective, ethics goes hand and in hand with...

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From law firms, construction and trade, medical offices, engineering firms, and more, Rekall will be your technology partner.