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Worldox Hosting on Rekall’s Private Cloud is Excellent!

January 20, 2017

It’s no secret that Worldox has their own cloud solution but from our experience Worldox should really stick to what they do best and leave the cloud solutions to the experts. We have done many migrations to and from Worldox’s Cloud platform and to be frank, Worldox is awesome but their cloud solution is slow, under-powered and not made for larger firms with sizable amounts of data.

Worldox hosting through Rekall Cloud on the other hand takes the normal Worldox application that you currently use and simply moves it to a private cloud complete with all other firm applications and included Microsoft Office licensing. Due to the architecture and the customization that Rekall Cloud can offer, putting Worldox in the cloud even for the largest of law firms with the most massive of databases is not a problem for our system. Access times are equal or better to what you experience right now, never slower.

Each user is given a fully customized cloud desktop complete with configured Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat integration to Worldox. At the firm’s request we also migrate desktop items, third party applications, time & billing apps and local documents stored on local computers. We integrate the firm’s accounting and/or billing system into the cloud as well making a full private cloud system accessible from anywhere, anytime, and from any device complete with network security, antivirus, and a fully integrated server and file based backup. The system is accessible from Mac, Windows, iPad, iPhone and Android devices. Some cloud companies charge extra for these functions, we believe you can’t offer an adequate cloud solution without including these services.

Rekall Cloud offers law firms solutions that Worldox simply can’t offer, with speeds and customization that Worldox simply can’t offer due to their cookie cutter model. Our security centric architecture gives us the edge to offer a fully customized cloud solution may it be a law firm working with Worldox, PCLaw, Time Matters, ProLaw, Amicus, or anything else. If your looking to move your law firm to the cloud, end the headache of managing office servers and bring your downtime to ZERO with Rekall Cloud.