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Introducing Rekall Cloud Lite for Solo’s & Small Firms

February 1, 2017

Over the past few years Rekall has grown exponentially mostly due to the success of our private cloud service. The truth is that more law firms are moving in this direction, and why not? A fully managed private cloud with unlimited support, compliance, storage, and applications means attorneys can focus on law and not IT. In watching Rekall Cloud evolve we have found that pricing is sometimes a bit challenging for small firms and solo’s in particular. No matter who you work with, a fully managed private cloud is not cheap and while Rekall offers one of the most cost efficient private clouds on the market, pricing still seems a bit steep for some smaller firms, enter Rekall Cloud Lite.

What is Rekall Cloud Lite?  |  Necessity is the mother of invention and Rekall Cloud Lite is no different. There is a significant need for a cloud based service that solo’s and small firms can utilize without breaking the bank. Rekall Cloud Lite is exactly that, a cocktail of cloud services offering many similar benefits to Rekall’s Private Cloud, but at significantly reduced rates. It can be seen as a stepping stone to Rekall’s Private Cloud as a firm grows and requires more legally driven applications or technology to increase firm efficiency.


Packages Start at $18/Month Per User For the Following Services

Click Here for Rekall Cloud Lite Service & Pricing Info

1TB Document Storage  |  Rekall not only works in the cloud sector, Rekall has many years experience working with traditional law firm IT as well. With this experience we have packaged cloud based services that a small firm would need in order to operate efficiently and grow. All users will receive 1TB in document storage which can be shared within the organization or outside the organization in order to collaborate on documents with colleagues. 1TB of data is tremendous, and remember each user receives 1TB themselves. All types of documents can be stored within this cloud based storage system and can also be accessed via Mac, PC, Android & Apple mobile devices for document access on the go.

Hosted Exchange / Office 365  |  Each user will receive a mailbox with the firm chosen domain name. If the firm is new, Rekall will assist in purchasing a domain name and setting up email for the firm. If the firm is established the firm will be able to continue to use their existing emails and domain name. Mailboxes offer unlimited storage as mail, contacts, calendars, and notes sync to user mobiles devices. Mailbox, calendar, and contacts sharing can also be configured as part of the firm’s setup for firms who want firm calendars or a centralized firm contact list. This portion of Rekall Cloud Lite offers the very best in today’s email functionality. It was chosen with growth and efficiency in mind as this email type is today’s law firm standard.

Desktop Antivirus, Monitoring & Patch Management  |  Rekall Cloud Lite offers local desktop antivirus & spyware/malware protection for each user device which is distributed via Rekall’s centralized management console. Along with antivirus security services, advanced monitoring is also offered. Device monitoring reports back to the Rekall helpdesk 24×7 with alerts regarding low disc space, hardware failures & degradation, software errors plus many more alerts. In this way, Rekall technicians can be proactive and assist with device issues before they become downtime causing problems. In addition to this the Rekall system also automates & schedules Windows updates as well as third party application updates such as Java and Adobe Acrobat just to name a few. Users will no longer need to manually update their applications and never again will you be working on a document when that Windows Update prompt comes up letting you know that Windows will restart in 10 minutes forcing you to stop working and save your document. Updates are also pre-approved by Rekall administrators. Sometimes Microsoft releases an update that does more harm than good. Harmful or “problem” updates will be omitted, further protecting your system.

Advanced Spam Filtering  |  In addition to email services, advanced spam filtering services is offered to each mailbox as well. Rekall’s advanced spam filtering services protect against virus’s, spyware, malware and most importantly ransomware. Rekall’s spam filter utilizes not one, but two scanning engines, Sophos and Kaspersky. Rekall’s spam filter is currently in place within all Rekall client email infrastructures. On average, Rekall blocks 11 Ransomware emails daily. Rekall’s custom spam filter is one of the only spam filter services that blocks Ransomware in real-time. Along with email security services each user will receive a held mail report twice daily highlighting any email that was caught offering the user the ability to release any legitimate email. Harmful mail bypasses the held mail report altogether.

Microsoft Office Licensing  |  Due to the fact that Microsoft Office Licensing is offered within Rekall Cloud, it seems fitting that there be a Microsoft Office option for Rekall Cloud Lite. Rekall Cloud Lite Pro includes everything above plus Microsoft Office licensing for each user. This also includes free upgrades to new Office versions as they release.

Rekall Cloud Lite Service Add-Ons  |  Along with with two Rekall Cloud Lite packages, Rekall offers add-on services. Services include unlimited remote helpdesk support, mobile device management, encrypted offsite backup for third party application data, and email encryption options.

Click Here for Rekall Cloud Lite Service & Pricing Info