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What’s to Gain by Working with a Law Firm Centric IT Firm?

April 20, 2015

Rekall Technologies offers many of the same services that standard IT companies do. The difference is that law firms work differently than other industries. While working with over 55 law firms nationwide, Rekall has gained much experience on which applications work well with attorneys and which annoy paralegals. Which services offer better security and compliance and which are simply cheap and insecure to use for the legal industry. Due to this growing experience, no one knows better than Rekall how firms run, what applications a firm needs to use and how important it is to keep client data secure. What law firm’s gain by working with Rekall is that growing experience that Rekall takes to every client. If a client feels something is not working or a process must be changed internally, Rekall calls upon these experiences to juggle new ideas that successful firms are taking advantage of. Essentially, law firms who work with Rekall gain insight due to Rekall’s vast experience in working with successful firms. It is our goal to bestow these ideals to our clients in order to assist in their success.