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How to Take the Plunge as a Solo Practitioner

September 6, 2018

Launching your own practice is easier said than done. Though there are plenty of resources jam-packed with advice on how to make this transition, each attorney’s situation is highly unique. Let’s take a look at the best advice from these sources to provide attorneys who decide to go on their own with the best chance to succeed.


Market Your new Practice

Do not fall into the trap of assuming clients will appear out of thin air. Your word-of-mouth referrals can only take you so far. Marketing will certainly cost some money yet it is well worth it. A polished website is a covert means of marketing your services. Establish a website, social media pages and a blog. Update your content on each of these platforms with regularity so it is that much easier for those in need of legal services to find your online footprint. The content on these platforms should be informative, helpful and laden with keywords and key phrases to improve your law practice’s search engine optimization. Once your online content is optimized for search engines, interested parties will find their way to your website, blog, etc. and your phone will start ringing.

Additional forms of marketing include networking on professional websites such as LinkedIn. You should also press the flesh with fellow legal professionals at local get-togethers. Your practice should also be listed in the top legal directories such as AVVO and FindLaw. Complete your profiles on these platforms down to the very last detail. If possible, add some contributions to industry publications to get your name in the spotlight and help promote your practice.


Prepare a Plan

Working for a law firm is different from running a business. Take some time to craft a detailed plan. Once your plan is in place, you can shift your focus to bringing clients on-board. Part of the plan is budgeting for expenses ranging from legal software to supplies, utilities and beyond. Stick to your budget and it will be that much easier to end up in the black.


Tech Makes Everything Easier

Solo practitioners have to be masters of doing a lot with a little. Incorporate technology when establishing your business and you will work in the most efficient manner possible. From legal software to web-based legal tools like Office 365 and SharePoint, there are plenty of ways to reduce your labor through technology. Even spending on an internet-based payment solutions system will make your practice operate that much more smoothly.


Develop a Legal Niche

Prospective clients are looking for a master of a single trade as opposed to a jack of all trades. Specialize in a legal niche, excel in this nuanced line of work and clients will refer you to others in full confidence. Just as important is the fact that specializing separates you from the competition. You will receive that much more recognition and accolades for zeroing in on one or two particular aspects of law instead of attempting to solve every legal challenge.