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The Rise of Online Communities is Changing the Legal Industry

May 25, 2018

Online communities have emerged in recent years to spread information, solve problems and bring people from distant locations together. These communities are poised to change the legal industry as we know it. Online communities exist beyond Quora, Reddit and other anonymous message boards. There are numerous web-based professional platforms that provide legitimate value for attorneys and clients.


Lawyers Should Embrace Online Communities

When the subject of online communities is raised, many attorneys envision basement-dwelling individuals who have been socially marginalized to the point that they rant and rave on the web. Some envision a dark future in which legal services are provided on the web for little compensation. Though it is true the legal market is somewhat over-saturated at the moment, those who embrace online communities stand to benefit. Some of the web’s newest platforms are exclusive to those with the proper qualifications. Professionals with law degrees and other coveted qualifications should jump at the opportunity to interact with fellow colleagues and potential clients on these important social networks.

Some online communities originated as invite-only WhatsApp group chats and LinkedIn groups. Other web forums commenced in the form of email chains between professionals and grew into thriving internet communities. What matters is these online communities have progressed into meaningful online platforms that provide attorneys and other professionals with valuable insight.


How Attorneys and Others in the Legal Industry can Benefit From the Rise of Online Communities

If you are an attorney or a law firm manager, you are likely looking for a way to facilitate the management of your firm’s budget. You might be interested in picking the brains of others in the legal field who face similar challenges. Some attorneys flock to online communities to establish relationships with fellow attorneys who work in the same legal niche. Others use their online networking as an opportunity to obtain client referrals. So do not neglect online platforms just because they are in their early stages or lack a significant membership base. In many cases, getting in on the ground floor proves beneficial as it is an opportunity to establish important relationships with everyone who joins thereafter.


Put Your Expertise on Display

It is not only attorneys who join online legal communities. Potential clients in need of legal assistance often join these groups to evaluate prospective attorneys. In some cases, overworked attorneys will refer clients to fellow legal professionals who participate in the online group. Even if you do not immediately score a new client after joining an online forum, the mere fact that you are willing to contribute will advance the community dialogue and possibly led to client referrals across posterity.