PCLaw 15 Review – What’s New?
Over 80% of our clients work with PCLaw traditionally with on-premise servers and with Rekall Cloud. Over the years PCLaw has been plagued with database issues for small to medium firms who utilize the CTREE version as opposed to the more stable SQL version. The stand-out update in this new release of PCLaw 15 is that LexisNexis has totally and 100% switched to the more modern, more stable, SQL database back-end which is excellent for both IT professionals and law firms alike.
PCLaw 15 will be the most stable version of PCLaw that has been released thus far. What does this mean for law firms looking to upgrade? This means that you will have to install a free version of SQL on your server or workstation prior to your install. The same maintenance applies to this new version of PCLaw. You will still have to run monthly VDI’s to keep your database in check and you must make sure that your backup software supports a direct SQL backup otherwise you must contact your IT consultant to organize a manual SQL backup.
While law firms with traditional servers will have a maintenance & backup increase due to new SQL database, clients within the Rekall Cloud will not notice any differences.ย Law firms on the Rekall Cloud needn’t be worried about these changes as PCLaw maintenance and backups are all organized & automated for all Rekall Cloud clients.