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The Many Different Problems Solved by the Cloud

January 16, 2019

Cloud technology has progressed to the point that it can solve a number of different problems. Whether you are looking to boost your firm’s productivity, connect with new clients, get a better control over costs or improve turnover management, the cloud is the answer.

How the Cloud Keeps Costs Under Control

Businesses that use their own servers will find their budget proves dynamic as opposed to static. It is simply too difficult to predict when in-house servers will falter, require updates, patches and other expensive attention. Make the shift to the cloud and you won’t have to worry about this budgetary uneasiness. The cloud simplifies things as users pay a monthly fee. There is no need to concern yourself with downtime, outages, disaster recovery, etc. You can square your focus on your work while the tech experts handle the complexities of the 


The Cloud can Even Help You Win Clients

Check out the news on a weekly basis and it is nearly a certainty that you will hear about a data breach. If you cannot protect client data, it will be challenging to add to your client base. Opt for a secure cloud platform and your comparably high level of security can be used as a powerful selling point when recruiting clients. As an example, Legal Workspace protects client data with a military-grade uber-secure cloud created specifically for attorneys.

The Cloud Ameliorates Turnover Management

Nowadays, hardly anyone sticks with one job for a decade or longer. Even making it to the 5-year mark with a single employer has become an accomplishment. The cloud heightens your law firm’s flexibility, making it that much easier to bring in top-notch talent. Tap into the cloud’s power and your team can work from home, on the road or elsewhere. Access to files, applications and other essential data is secure as long as you use respected platforms such as Legal Workspace.

The Cloud Boosts Productivity

Downtime is a profit-killer that lowers workplace morale and diminishes productivity. Move to the cloud and you won’t have to worry about downtime. The cloud empowers your team to work from any mobile device that has web access for maximum productivity.