Legal Tech Software

Should Your Clients be using Legal Tech Apps?

Should Your Clients be using Legal Tech Apps?

There’s an app for everything anymore – including in the legal world.  You can manage your whole firm from your phone, convert a client document to PDF, and a multitude of other things.  It’s clear that the smartphone has advanced the lives of small firm lawyers. Not...

Increase your Law Firm’s Billable Hours

Increase your Law Firm’s Billable Hours

You went to law school to practice law, but you also have to deal with the burden of tracking time and generating invoices. This is by far the least exciting part of the job, but it must be done to collect money and keep your practice going. Think about all of your...

Could A Lawyer Ever Be Replaced By AI?

Could A Lawyer Ever Be Replaced By AI?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is going to change everyday life and there’s no doubt about it. There are some predictions that state that by 2030, some 30% of jobs won’t need human intervention. A majority of administrative jobs won’t require a human touch simply...

It IS possible to inspire the Millennial lawyer

It IS possible to inspire the Millennial lawyer

The term “Millennial” can be cringe-inducing in law firms across the United States. Trying to motivate young attorneys can be frustrating while dealing with their job-hopping tendencies. There is a way, however, to be successful with a committed group of Millennials...

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