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What is Rekall Cloud & How Can it Help My Firm?

December 6, 2014

Over the past 7 months we have developed a state of the art cloud service for law firms that has taken off further than our highest expectations. The interest that we have received for our custom cloud product for law firms has been staggering. I’d like to take this opportunity to explain why Rekall Cloud is, and how it is currently helping our law firm clients.

What is Rekall Cloud?

Rekall Cloud is a total custom cloud service for law firms. We host your data, back it up, secure it, and give you guaranteed access to your data with high speed and guaranteed 24×7 up time. But what is Rekall Cloud really? Technically speaking, Rekall Cloud consists of redundant high efficiency servers, high end storage hardware, cutting edge switches and security firewalls all located in a state of the art data center fully equipped with guards, cameras, biometric checkpoints, agreements with local power stations for up time, batteries for brownouts and generators with diesel fuel on standby in case of a major disaster. This is the facility where our client data is located. Not to mention the quadruple redundant internet failover where our clients have access to four internet service providers in case any one of them were to go down. The user experience is simple, you have a cloud server that you remote onto in order to work and access Word, Outlook and any other application your firm may use. The servers are secured and accessible only to you and your firm from anywhere at any time.

Why Move to the Cloud?

By now your getting the idea that Rekall Cloud is for firms who cannot accept downtime. Rekall Cloud is also for firms who no longer want to purchase and manage servers every 6 years. With the guarantees that Rekall Cloud provides law firms between power, network, storage and internet, law firms simply cannot get these types of up time guarantees with a server located in their office sitting on a rack. Rekall Cloud takes over full responsibility from the client to monitor, maintain and upgrade all technology at no extra cost to the client. With Rekall Cloud there is no more office servers, no more Microsoft Office license purchasing, no more backup charges, no more security licensing. Rekall Cloud offers all the security that a law firms needs to stay secure between backups, firewalls, antivirus, and anti-spam so that there is no need to ever pay extra since it is all included. Rekall Cloud also offers included encrypted VPN access to your cloud which guards against any data interception attempts. Rekall Cloud also offered encrypted VPN access to the cloud from Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows devices.

What Apps Work on Rekall Cloud?

All applications work on Rekall Cloud, if you have an application and work with it on a Windows PC, it will work on the cloud.