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Totality Debt Collection Software in the Cloud

July 28, 2014

Totality is one of the leading debt collection software applications used by law firms and debt collection agencies alike. While many law firm applications can be configured with Rekall Private Cloud, Totality works exceptionally well. In this way, we are able to migrate the Totality software and it’s entire database into the cloud giving law firms and debt collection agencies full cloud access to their Totality software from anywhere at any time. Couple this with included Microsoft Office licensing for all users, system and data backup, antivirus and VPN remote access encryption/security, and a firm’s entire infrastructure can be moved to the cloud with ease making firm data even more secure than before.
In a specific case where one of our client’s currently uses Totality in the cloud, we migrated all their client documentation, installed and setup Outlook for cloud email access and configured third party applications all on the cloud. We also installed standard companion applications such as Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files. By the end of the project, our client and it’s 6 users was able to access Totality and all their firm data from anywhere in the world at any time with top notch enterprise security in place and virtually zero downtime. The client agreed that it was a much cleaner setup than the database sitting on a desktop in the office. They were able to cancel their local backup service, save on it’s costs, and because the server is located in the cloud, they were even able to hire remote paralegals for simple processing at half the cost of local NJ based employees. The move to the cloud increased productivity and lowered overhead for the entire firm.

With Rekall Cloud we are able to offer cloud based solutions to law firms world wide. Rekall Private Cloud works with many law firm applications, not just Totality. If your thinking about moving your firm to the cloud, give us a call.