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The Ultimate Legal Time & Billing Software Comparison

September 26, 2012

I found another fantastic chart at the American Bar Association’swebsite giving a comparative breakdown of time & billing software. The chart mostly shows small law firm software, but some of these software companies have large firm software options as well. In the previous post having to do with practice management software, often these pieces of software work together with accounting software due to their lack in accounting capabilities and time tracking. If you checked out the last post then this post is equally important. Check them out and like before, if you find that you have some interest in a piece of software, give them a call and then ask for client references to get a real world idea of how the software can help a law firm. Ask to speak to a firm about your size as well. Software works differently depending on the firm size and law firm technology. Using this chart, you should be able to find the best accounting software for attorneys. Enjoy the chart.