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Slow Computer? Here’s a Tip…Pt.1: Disable Start-Up Applications

September 6, 2013

There’s a few tricks we tech people have when it comes to a slow computer. I used to hate hearing people tell me that their PC was slow, but then I learned a few very quick tricks to speed up any PC. We’re going to be working with Windows 7 in this techtalk but keep in mind that the tricks i’m going to show you will work 100% in XP as well. The first thing that slows your PC would have to be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall those icons on the bottom right next to your time. Whenever you install an application, more times than not, it wants to startup with windows. You need your applications when you need them, they shouldn’t be running at all times. This trick will show you how to remove these applications from starting up that hog much needed resources, and slow your PC down.

1. Click on the Windows 7 start icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.


2. Type MSCONFIG in the search box and then either press enter on your keyboard or double-click on the MSCONFIG program that appears in the search results.


3. Windows 7 will launch Microsoft’s System Configuration Utility. Click on the Startup tab.


4. This takes you to a page with a list of “startup items.” Startup items are programs that are automatically loaded every time you turn on your computer. Some startup programs are absolutely necessary, others are only a waste of RAM.

At this point you’ll see a list of items with a bunch of check boxes. All the applications with a check box are currently running. Simply uncheck the boxes for applications that you no longer want to run at startup. A good rule of thumb is to disable only those programs that you recognize and don’t need to have running all the time. What I like to tell people is that you should disable everything that is not security related. If it mentions any of the big antivirus companies (Symantec, Norton, AVG, Avast, Nod32, Kaspersky, Mcafee, leave it checked. You don’t want to disable your antivirus. People will tell you not to mess around with this if you don’t know what your doing, but you really cant harm your PC plus, if your stumped, give us a call, we’ll walk you through this for free.