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The Power of Social Media and Your Firm

July 17, 2017

We can’t avoid it– Social Media is an extremely powerful tool that is growing rapidly as time goes on. It’s the main focal point of some businesses, and most definitely peoples personal lives. We’re seeing more and more statistics proving that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (among many other platforms) are the first thing they log into in when they wake up in the morning. Let us break down four top tips in using social media at your firm.


Set your Goal

Ask yourself what exactly you want to accomplish. Define how you’re going to measure your success and what your marketing strategy will be.


Create Top Tip Days

It’s important to have your client continuously think about you and your firm. Provide top tips on technology or something relating to them. Post “Did You Know?” topics, and always be sure to ask for a “share” on the post. Including the “share” feature is almost like a referral. Having clients “share” your page will allow other people to see your information, potentially “like” your page, and keep you as someone to refer to if opportunity arises.


Share your Blogs and Events

Make yourself credible and show confidence in what you do. Have a blog section on your website? Make sure you also share them on social media. Share interesting articles, upcoming trends, and really focus on your target market.


Keep Your Brand Streamlined

Be sure to be consistent with your posts, colors, and overall “feel.” Branding your firm makes your firm more professional, and allows you to focus on the exact market you’re after. Utilizing the scheduling tool is extremely effective. Having posts appear on a regular timed schedule allows you to “set it and forget it,” and the posts will appear in your followers newsfeed. Facebook in particular has recommended time slots for peak usage and most exposure. If you’re not making headway with scheduled posts, think of using hashtags, or even paying for “boosted” posts.


Be Entertaining!

People have hundreds of friends, pages, and groups they follow on Facebook, so the battle for some prime real estate can be difficult. ย Don’t just post words, always make sure to add a relative photo or video along with the post. It’s important to get your point across and share your message and your firm’s focus, but don’t be afraid to once in a while break it up a little with a funny (but appropriate) photo, video, or even host a contest. The more intriguing you are, the more likely you are going to sustain followers, and gain new clients.


For more information on how to use Social Media to the best of your Firm’s ability, please contact danielle@rekalltechnologies.com.