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PCLaw 13 is All About You

October 16, 2013

PCLaw is marketing its new dashboard tools as β€œyou-centric.” The new easy to look at dashboards allow you to easily manage the information that is most important to you. PCLaw 13 features three dashboards – My Practice, My Clients, and My Business. Each dashboard captures key information that you want to be able to find at-a-glance. In short, the program’s design is meant to give you quick access to what matters to you most, eliminating the need to flip back and forth between multiple programs or folders. From your dashboards, you can open important files, review and schedule appointments and tasks, open and respond to emails, review phone messages and even analyze key metrics. You can even track the recent activity and account status of each client, The idea is that anything crucial to your workflow and process can be displayed for you at-a-glance, saving you valuable time and clicks.
Another worthwhile feature of PCLaw 13 is automated client intake. Custom intake forms can be emailed to clients for completion. Data from the forms can then be imported into PCLaw. The process is not only streamlined, it can reduce costly manual errors. There’s a reason why our clients choose PCLaw. If your in need of superior practice management software, give PCLaw a try and give us to call to help you implement it into your law firm’s network.