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Paperless File Organization for Attorneys

May 7, 2014

You were so used to your stacks and piles and folders of paper that you aren’t quite sure how to move on without them. You knew just what color paper to use for which types of clients. You had a flawless folder system. Without your paper, you’re not sure how to stay organized. Does this sound like you?
Let Rekall help you get digitally organized.

We bet you actually won’t have to abandon your organizational methods just because you’re moving to a digital filing system. You can have folders and documents digitally just the way you did when you were collecting paper.

For example, you might have a folder available either in a cloud-based file management system (think Google Drive) titled Client Files, where you house all of your current accounts. Within that Client Files folder, you might have a subfolder for each of your individual clients. Within each client’s file, you might have yet another subfolder for invoices, another for intake notes, or whatever information you want to capture.

You may even want to have folders for your declined cases, temporary cases, closed cases, and so on.

Another good practice is to have an Archive folder and within that Archive folder, create a subfolder for each past year. At the close of each year, archive the previous year’s accounts to keep your foldering system neat and orderly.

Rekall recommends establishing a file naming convention that is consistent, such as yyyy-mm-dd_filename.pdf so finding your files within your digital folders is quick and painless.

We’re happy to consult with you on best practices. Trust us, once you get the hang of digital organization, you’ll kick yourself for not embracing it sooner.