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Mobile Device Security Policies for Law Firms

December 28, 2016

As the ease of accessing the Internet continues to increase and as cloud-based software continues to provide us access to documents from virtually anywhere, we must remain diligent about making sure that mobile Internet connections are secure. Trust us when we say that there are people who are ready to pounce on an organization’s lack of mobile Internet security. The SANS Institute, which presents itself as “the most trusted source for computer security training, certification and research” has a bunch of mobile security policy templates available on its website at http://www.sans.org/security-resources/policies/mobile.php.

Rekall recommends that you take a look at some of these and adapt them as you see fit for your firm’s practices. If you like what you find for the mobile policy templates, continue to explore the site because you’ll also find policy templates for audits, email, HIPAA, internet security and more. The Remote Access template through SANS spells out the purpose of the policy, who is affected, the policy itself, roles and responsibilities of everyone involved, and any definitions necessary for clarification. We suspect you’ll find the templates user-friendly and quite practical. Give them a look and reach out to Rekall with any questions around best practices in mobile security.