Law Firms Need to Get with the Times (Part I)
Reflect upon your life and all the technology you use β inside and outside of work. We are willing to bet you have at least one high-definition TV at home and we’re sure you aren’t using a cell phone that’s more than a few years old. You have these things to enhance your life, but what about at your firm? Are you taking advantage of all the latest technology has to offer to enhance your business?
Chances are if things are working, you’re not necessarily thinking about upgrades. But technology enhancements are where Rekall can come in. As we all embrace 2014, do yourself a favor and think about practice management software and how it can benefit your firm. Here are a few signs that you’re due for an upgrade:
Software Incompatibility
Are you using multiple software programs that don’t exactly work well together? If so, this is a sure sign that you’re ready for an upgrade. Modern practice management programs allow you to do everything you need to do within a single program. Not only will you have access to the latest and greatest features of modern practice management software β such as time tracking and simple invoicing and billing — you’ll also only have just a single software program to get to know and pay for.
Paper Everywhere!
Look around your office. Are you surrounded by stacks of paper? If so, this is another sign you’re in need of an update. Why surround yourself with clutter, especially when copying and printing services are expensive? Let Rekall help you go paperless for the new year. What do you have to lose besides piles of paper, ink & toner?
Vintage User Interface
Software developers are designing more intuitive and easier to use software all the time. The learning curve with new software will be short and once you’re up to speed, you and your staff will save yourself time and frustration.
Server Maintenance
Still maintaining servers? You shouldn’t be! Make 2014 the year you move to the cloud. Servers are expensive and when they go down, you’re really stuck in a rut. Why bother needlessly worrying about them? You don’t need the headache, the worry over space and maintenance, or the expense. Let Rekall help you get on the cloud.