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Is your Firm Utilizing Text Messaging with Clients?

March 29, 2018

Nowadays, it is possible to communicate with clients through text message, email, instant messages, phone calls and traditional mail.  Most clients are open to the idea of texting simply because it is so efficient.  What matters is you leverage text messaging in a manner that enhances the rapport you have worked so hard to establish with your clients.

Text messaging has the potential to streamline your activities, enhance client relations and make operations that much smoother.  Text messaging has quickly gained favor amongst  people of all ages and backgrounds.  More and more businesses are implementing texting as an efficient means of client communication with each passing day.  What matters is how your group makes uses of texting technology.


Texting is Effective if Used in a Professional Manner

It is not appropriate to use emjois or an abundance of abbreviations when sending text messages to clients.  Though such shorthand is acceptable for messages sent to friends and loved ones, any texts sent to clients should have proper spelling and grammar.  So do not rush through your text messages like you do with messages sent to social connections.  Text messages sent to clients and colleagues should be treated as professional correspondence.


Text Surveys Might Help

Surveys are an excellent way to guarantee your team is meeting or surpassing client expectations.  Conduct a survey as frequently as necessary with text messages.  This is an easy and fast means of requesting and gathering information for your team.  This effort will provide valuable insights that reveal important information about relationships.


Establish Expectations From the Get-go

Perfectly clear expectations will do wonders for client relations.  Establish expectations right way and there will be minimal confusion.  This is the foundation necessary for a successful relationship.  Get into the details of text interactions so clients are clear as to exactly what is expected.  Discuss the frequency and timing of text responses.  Delve into all of these subtleties of text messages right off the bat so you do not have to worry about them later on.


Zero in on a Secure Service

Confidentially still matters even when information is transmitted through text messages.  Make sure the communications provider you sign up for service with has the latest security.  It will also help if the service has a high-level encryption so data can be kept safe from hackers.


Highlight Ways to use Text Messages to Save Time

Texting is as efficient as it gets.  It saves time, effort and money.  You can make text messaging that much faster and more efficient by using it for court  date notifications, the scheduling of meetings, payment reminders, automated messages, case status updates, surveys and links to documents.


Be Careful With Text Messages and Your Business Will Reap the Results

In the end, the prudent use of text messages in combination with email, the phone and face-to-face interactions will make the flow of business that much smoother.  Keep in mind some types of conversations are best suited for in-person interactions as opposed to text messages.  Choose the right opportunities to send text messages and this valuable technology will reap considerable dividends for your law firm over the long haul.