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Crucial Law Firm IT Policies: Secure Passwords

April 2, 2014

According to Americanbar.org, β€œthe Georgia Institute of Technology has proven that any eight-character password can be cracked in less than two hours. It has also proven that it takes approximately 17,000 years to crack a strong 12-character password.” Now that’s a difference worth pausing over. Make sure your firm is requiring employees to use passwords that are 12 or more characters.
In fact, Rekall stands by the following recommendations from the American Bar Association when it comes to creating a secure password policy for your office.

Passwords must be:

12 or more alphanumeric characters
Changed every 30 days
Used for login as well as screen savers
Passwords must NOT be:
Used Elsewhere
The good news is that getting to a place of having secure passwords is really not hard to do. Most of the rules outlined above can be enforced through technology. Allow Rekall to do the work for you. We’ll set up a system in which passwords must be a certain length, changed regularly, and are properly applied.