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Creating a Lead-Generating Law Firm Website isn’t as Difficult as it Seems

March 1, 2018

If you think your law firm website should simply function as an “online brochure”, you’d be mistaken. It should be an engaging place for clients to learn something new. A law firm website should inspire prospective clients to move towards their goal. Here are four tips to create an engaging website:

1. Know your audience

What kind of clients do you want to draw in? Who does your law firm serve? These are the defining questions you need to answer before you can zero in on what kind of content to put on your website. After determining this, allow yourself to be ok with change and tailoring your website to attract clients that will bring on growth.

When a client goes to your website, what kind of information do you want them to see and understand before they will do business with you? You’ll need to figure out a focus for your website. Put yourself in a potential client’s shoes and decide what information you need to present them with to make a trusting decision to go with your firm.

Your website should tell a story that can demonstrate that you have an understanding for the issues your clients are facing. Move away from talking about your accomplishments and accolades and instead focus on your client’s challenges. Market your ability to solve problems rather than your practice areas. Don’t forget that clients are paying you for an outcome, not for legal services. So, showcase what their outcomes can be on your website.

2. Guide potential clients through contacting you

Just like any new experience, potential clients can often be confused and anxious about hiring a lawyer. They’re not sure how the process even works because many times it’s the first time they will need to use legal services.

Does your website clearly indicate the next steps prospective clients should take to get in touch with you? A call-to-action button should be clear and prominent throughout your website. Whether you’d like a client to call, email, show up in person or fill out a form, these instructions should be available right at a client’s finger tips. This eases tension and the sense of the unknown, which in turn will provide you with many more opportunities for engaging with potential clients.

3. Use a transitional call to action

Many people who visit a website will click away never to be heard from again. This doesn’t mean they should be lost forever. You need to give them an opportunity to stay connected with your firm, just not so directly. By creating a “transitional call to action”, website visitors are offered some kind of resource in exchange for their email address. This can be something like a checklist, downloadable document or instructional video. This process doesn’t lead to immediate business, but it’s something that can keep a potential client connected with you and allow them to converse overtime.

4. Focus on your law-firm’s credibility

Potential clients want to know that your law firm will guide them and be able to solve their problem. Use the internal pages of your website to prove that you can. Using “social proof” is a great way to achieve this. Social proof refers to someone’s level of perceived credibility.

Social proof can be shown in a variety of ways, but there are three you should focus on. Testimonials prove to potential clients that other people (who are just like them) have used your services and been completely satisfied with the results. Client logos provide instant credibility. Showcase logos of businesses you’ve worked with on your website. Finally, provide case studies. This proves to a client that you are trust-worthy and capable of solving problems.

In conclusion, you don’t need to spend hours completely overhauling your current website. Just a few tweaks here and there can make a huge difference in turning your law-firm website into a marketing powerhouse.