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Attorneys Need to Check Out Sony’s New Digital Paper

November 2, 2015

Sony Digital Paper has made some significant advancements for the better that have many paper-loving attorneys turning heads. If your an attorney that still deals in paper, perhaps this is the product for you. This product almost perfectly emulates paper giving you the ability to view PDF documents on the device and write up comments with the included stylus. A dream for any transitioning attorney moving from paper to digital. Recently they cut down the price by almost a third. The price currently is $800.

Since Sony got rid of the required privately-owned Cloud, Digital Paper will now work with DropBox and Box. Another big plus is that users of Worlox will be able to integrate with Worldox GX4/Web Mobile 2.0. This allows for an instant and direct download from Worldox. Digital Paper can only read PDF files as of right now but Word files will be converted to PDFs giving you the ability to work on all types of files that convert automatically on the device, which is really nice.

This is a great device if youโ€™re carrying a lot of documents around and happen to forget something at the office because you can easily just download the file you need using a free Dropbox account. Digital Paper is very useful for those bringing many documents along because they can be edited and signed on the spot. It can be very useful for attorneys who travel often as it is much easier to bring along an iPad type device than a laptop, especially for short trips.