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Amicus Attorney Annoyances Pt.1

October 15, 2012

One very annoying thing that often happens to popular law firm software, Amicus Attorney is the automatic removal of both the Amicus Merge Toolbar from Word and the Amicus Tasks Toolbar from Outlook. If your a user of Amicus Attorney and use these useful toolbars, I’m sure at some point these heavily used toolbars have gone missing at some point in time, good thing there’s an easy fix.


You can actually reinstall these toolbars from within Amicus, but it doesn’t always work, so here’s a better way. When Amicus is installed, it installs to C:\Amicus. We need to navigate to C:\Amicus\Amicus Attorney Premium Workstation\Install. Go to Start, Computer, and C drive going through the Amicus folder and then through the Amicus Attorney Premium Workstation folder, then the install folder. Once in the install folder, we care about 2 folder here, Macros & OfficeAddin. Macros has the install file for the Amicus Merge Toolbar in Word, while OfficeAddin has the install for the Amicus Tasks Toolbar for Outlook. Run the corresponding install icon for the corresponding application whose toolbar is missing. If the application gives you the ability to do a repair, do the repair. After the  the install is done, reboot and see if your toolbar is back. If it’s not, run the install file again, and uninstall this time, reboot and then run a the install again for a full install. If it’s not back by now, then you may have an issue with addons in you Word or Outlook. This part is a bit hard to explain to a non tech person to fix. The best I can do is to tell you to give us a call if you find yourself with this particular problem, (732) 444-8044, or call Amicus Support, (800) 472-2289.