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Legal TechTalk Interview with Patent Attorney Bob Brush

August 23, 2012

Recently, Rekall had the pleasure of talking with fourteen year patent attorney Robert Brush. Robert focuses on patent prosecution within the electrical and software arts, he has worked within the private sector both as an associate and partner, and is currently working as in-house patent council for a large public organization. Robert is the epitome of a perfect interview due to his experience in the industry with various law firms and law firm software as well as Robert having an interest in technology and being tech savvy himself.

In this latest TechTalk interview, Rekall discusses the various law firms that Robert Brush has worked with and break down exactly what made these law firms run smoothly from a technology standpoint. Robert tells all in terms of law firm technologies that aided him and his staff the best in order to meet deadlines and communicate with clients. Robert talks about both the good and the bad so listeners understand what to avoid. There are mentions about practice management software, law firm accounting systems, and billing systems as well. The listener even finds out how a large public organizations legal department works when compared to small private firms. This interview is a cant miss for privately owned law firm owners and partners.